Yoga & Meditation〜How to Sleep Better〜 Sugar Candy
発売日 : 2020年9月11日 品番 : SCDD-1547
Move your body comfortably with breathing, and calm yourself down with meditation. At the end of the day with yoga and meditation. Music for you who wants to sleep comfortably.
☆お勧め曲 tr.01「nightly dew」は、優しく響く音が心地よく、リラックス効果をもたらします。
The tr.01 “nightly dew” has a relaxing and relaxing effect, with a gentle sound.
<収録曲> tr. 01 nightly dew tr. 02 by night tr. 03 night air tr. 04 several nights tr. 05 one night tr. 06 that night tr. 07 last night tr. 08 midnight tr. 09 a moonlight night tr. 10 at daybreak