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Relaxing Hawaiian Guitar ~Me Ke Aloha~

Sugar Candy

Relaxing Hawaiian Guitar ~Me Ke Aloha~

Sugar Candy

​品番 :



ハワイ好きへお勧めする、絶対聴くべきハワイを感じる音楽です。”Pua Tuberose”の定番曲からオリジナル曲まで、たっぷりハワイを感じることができますよ。 極上のハワイ気分を楽しんで!!


Recommended by Hawaii lovers,
it is a music that you should definitely listen to. From the classic songs of “Pua Tuberose” to the original songs, you can fully feel Hawaii.
Enjoy the finest Hawaiian mood! !!

tr. 01 calm decision making tr. 02 focus on work tr. 03 mindfulness meditation tr. 04 insight meditation tr. 05 awareness tr. 06 emphasis on untamed attention tr. 07 psychologically good tr. 08 physical health tr. 09 peaceful times tr. 10 mental health


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